Empathy in Marketing

tobi — Audio Writer
1 min readJul 4, 2020

(To see & be seen by others)

Photo by Josh Calabrese on Unsplash

I’ll love to argue that we’re possibly all marketers. Whether you’re trying to sell a product or service or spread and idea or convince someone.

Most of us would deny we are, because we believe it’s reserved to just some type of people and because a lot of us hate marketers and for good reasons because many marketers are deceitful.

Alternatively, there is a new breed of marketers, ‘The empathic marketers’. Marketers who do things for us and not to us.

The one and only job as an empathic marketer is to realize that the people we serve might not want what we want, don’t need what we need and that’s okay.

(PS: Seth Godin’s Book This is Marketing is a great read if you’ll love to be a great marketer)

